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Tutorial sony vegas pro 13 pdf indonesia free download. sony vegas pro 13 tutorial pdf PDF,Doc ,Images

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Sony Vegas Pro Home Explore Login Signup. Successfully reported this slideshow. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Upcoming SlideShare. Like this document? Why not share! Embed Size px. Start on. Show related SlideShares at end. WordPress Shortcode. Like Liked. Rahul Jose. Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you want to Yes No. Dipen Patel. Tristan Jay Buccat. Dan Lauron.

Show More. No Downloads. Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. Sony Creative Software Inc. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Sony Creative Software Inc. Gracenote is the industry standard in music recognition technology and related content delivery. For more information visit www. All updates or additional information relating to the contents of this manual will be posted on the Sony Creative Software Inc.

Copying or distributing the software except as expressly described in the End User License Agreement is strictly prohibited. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express written consent of Sony Creative Software Inc.

All rights reserved. Setting up stereoscopic 3D previews Synchronizing stereoscopic 3D events Aligning left- and right-eye views and adjusting depth Rendering a stereoscopic 3D project Using markers, regions, and commands Inserting markers Inserting regions Using media markers and regions Inserting command markers Inserting CD track regions Inserting CD index markers The Marker Tool Track editing Inserting audio tracks Inserting video tracks Selecting tracks Arranging tracks Grouping tracks Duplicating tracks Audio track controls Video track controls Audio bus tracks Video bus track Setting default track properties Render to New Track Using automation Audio track automation Video track automation Automating audio effect parameters Adjusting envelopes Recording track envelope and keyframe automation Animating video events and tracks TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 7.

Introduction Sony Creative Software Inc. What's new in version Audio n Added loudness meters and logging. Workflow n Improved project archiving. When you're working with Vegas Pro, you can use Vegas Pro Connect to remotely control the Vegas transport functions, seek and scrub the timeline, and add markers.

When you're on the go, you can use Vegas Pro Connect to bring your projects with you for review on your mobile device. Technical Support If you experience problems or have questions while using Vegas Pro, our technical support department is always ready to help you. About Vegas Pro From the Help menu, choose About Vegas Pro to display information about the application, such as the software license owner, copyright and system information, program version and serial number, and the Vegas Pro logo.

Before contacting Technical Support, click the Computer tab to display information about your computer. Interactive Tutorials From the Help menu, choose Interactive Tutorials to start an interactive guide that will show you each part of the Vegas Pro interface and teach you how to create projects. Choose a topic from the Interactive Tutorials overview to start a tutorial—you'll be up and running in no time!

Tips: n If you prefer to work with the timeline at the bottom of the window and the docking area at the top of the window, select the Display timeline at bottom of main window check box on the Display tab of the Preferences dialog.

For more information, see "Preferences - Display Tab" on page Main toolbar From the View menu, choose Toolbar to toggle the display of the main toolbar. The toolbar contains buttons that enable you to select frequently used commands quickly. You can customize it by adding, removing, or reordering buttons. For more information, see "Customizing the toolbar" on page For more information, see "Creating a new project" on page Open Opens an existing project or media file.

For more information, see "Opening a project or media file" on page Save Saves the current project. For more information, see "Saving a project" on page Save As Saves the current project to a new name or folder. When you use Save As, you can choose to copy the project media to the same folder as your project. For more information, see "Saving and renaming a project Save As " on page Render As Saves your project in a new format as a single file.

For more information, see "Rendering projects Render As " on page Properties Opens the Project Properties dialog box allowing you to make changes to the current project. For more information, see "Setting project properties" on page Cut Deletes and copies the current event selection to the clipboard. For more information, see "Cutting, copying, and pasting events" on page Copy Copies the current event selection to the clipboard.

Paste Pastes the contents of the clipboard at the current cursor position. Undo Reverses the last action performed. For more information, see "Undoing and redoing edit operations" on page Redo Reverses the action of the Undo command.

Interactive Tutorials Starts an interactive guide that will show you each part of the Vegas Pro interface and teach you how to create projects. For more information, see "Interactive Tutorials" on page What's This Help Displays context-sensitive help.

This tool gives you the most flexibility while editing; selection, project navigation, most envelope editing, etc. The only functions you cannot perform while in normal editing mode are box selection, box magnification, and multiple envelope point selection. For more information, see "Adjusting envelopes" on page Click the down arrow next to the Normal tool and choose a tool from the menu to select the mode that will be used for editing events.

For more information, see "The Transport and Timeline Toolbar" on page Click an event to select it. Hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple events, or hold Shift to select all events between the first and last event you click. Select events and drag them along the timeline to move them. Drag either edge of an event to change its length.

The event edge will snap to grid lines if snapping is on. Hold the Shift key while dragging to temporarily suspend snapping. For more information, see "Enable snapping" on page For more information, see "Creating selections and positioning the cursor" on page ,"Moving events" on page , or "Adjusting an event's length" on page Shuffle Tool Use to rearrange events on the timeline.

For more information, see "Shuffling events" on page Right-click and drag an event to a new location on the timeline and choose Shuffle Events from the shortcut menu to shuffle events when the Shuffle Tool is not active. Slip Tool Use to slip an event's media without moving the event on the timeline. For more information, see "Slipping and sliding events" on page Hold Alt while dragging an event to slip events when the Slip Tool is not active.

Tool Description Slide Tool Use to move an event on the timeline without moving the underlying media. For more information, see "Adjusting an event's length" on page Split Trim Tool Use to split an event at the point you click and trim the event in the direction you drag eraser mode.

The Envelope tool is designed to manipulate envelopes in events.  

Tutorial sony vegas pro 13 pdf indonesia free download.[Tutorial] How to Use Sony Vegas Pro 13 as a Pro


Sony Vegas Pro 13 Free Download — Jika kalian seorang video editor yang membutuhkan aplikasi edit video yang handal, maka salah satu alternatifnya adalah Vegas Pro. Pada awalnya program ini dirilis hanya untuk menangani pengeditan audio, namun bergerak pula sekarang di bidang video. Sayangnya pada tahun silam, developer aslinya menghentikan perjuangannya dan menjual software ini kepada pihak Magix.

Sehingga Vegas Pro 13 ini adalah versi terakhir yang dirilis oleh Sony. Adapun versi terakhir yang bisa kalian secara gratis adalah Magix Vegas Pro Secara tools dan fitur memang aplikasi ini engga kalah keren dengan pesaingnya seperti Premiere Pro dan Final Cut Pro. Apalagi dari segi performa dan kecepatan render yang katanya paling juara.

Smart phones make it easy to make movies. And Movie Studio makes it even easier to make those movies stand out. The Presets Manager is a unique plug-in for Sony Vegas Pro that provides a perfect solution for exporting Although the Leawo Free Video Converter is a video converting software that allows you to make conversion between all popular video Sony Vegas is non-linear video editor with many features and the best user interface, which is very customizable and easy.

Sony Vegas is non Vegas you can find on Sony With Vegas Red Casino you can enjoy the thrill of Vegas from the comfort of your own home. With Vegas Red Casino Cover jump cuts quickly and automatically with the Smart Split operation that gives you great results and full flexibility for fine tuning.

Track complex moving shapes that are not square to the camera, like the side of a building seen in perspective, so that you can map other video to those shapes. In this video, learn how to apply the video stabilization in VEGAS Pro to your video project to get a professional look. This video tutorial focuses on the new built-in Motion Tracking and shows how you define and track object or areas. Also learn how you add effects to thoose objects.

The following video provides detailed intructions on how to create different masks and apply effects to the masked area. Learn how the interaction between storyboard and timeline works. You also get detailed information how you can experimenting with alternate sequencing or to keep track of different sections of the overall video.

Learn how to use the new hamburger menu system to gain quick access to the tools you need. Explore ways to change the visible button set to fit your preferred workflow and how to quickly reset the UI to its default settings. Identify the various parts of the interface, learn about window docking behavior, how to scrub audio and video to find an edit point, adjust audio volume, and more.

Using the on-Preview Window interacts, learn how to Crop a single event or the contents of an entire track. Use the animate feature to change parameters over time to animate the crop size and angle.

Learn to use the on-Preview Window interacts to set the plug-in parameters and even animate the picture overlay. Copying event attributes from one event to another can be a real time-saver. Learn how to copy all the attributes from one event and selectively choose which attributes to paste into another event. LUTs Lookup tables provide creative color grading opportunities. Lean how to apply a LUT to a single event, a track, or the final output to achieve special color-grading effects and custom looks.

Learn how to undock and dock windows, create floating docks, create, save, and recall custom layouts, and how to quickly return to the default layout. A freeze frame can add drama to a video or, in some cases, save the ending of a shot.


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